Larry Roberts
Founder & Publisher
LARRY ROBERTS has been a bookseller and publisher for over 30 years. He is currently the founder, owner and operator of Miskatonic Books where he continues to sell rare, limited edition and antiquarian genre titles as well as publishing under his Azoth Press, Arcane Wisdom and Biblio Obscura imprints.
Edgar Kerval
EDGAR KERVAL is an author and musician coming from Colombia South America. He has been working more than 20 years in diverse paths of sorcery. He focuses in elements regarding saturnian gnosis dealing with death entities from diverse pantheons. Also he works in diverse ritual ambient musical projects such as EMME YA, THE RED PATH, :ARCHAIC: among others. He has his own small publishing house called : SIRIUS LIMITED ESOTERICA, in which he publishes some of his work and the books of other well-known authors. He has participated on II and III International Left Hand Path Consortium in Atlanta and St Louis respectively. He has released more than 6 books and participated in several anthologies.