ASAYA KA LUXA by Vermilion – Limited Edition Hardcover


Through many systems of religion and spirituality, there has been many paths created from man seeking something grander outside of themselves, worshiping gods and ideologies which have humans giving away their power and will. Spirituality, as a whole, needs a psychological approach which blends both eastern and western practices into a unified practice of SELF realization. Through knowing yourself at a Soul level, and who you are energetically, you get to understand your true power which you possess.

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First edition hardcover printing of only 200 hand numbered copies

Book Specifications:

– 282 pages
– 90 grams bone-white soft-tone paper bookblock
– Purple Italian linen bound hardcover
– Black bands
– Black end-papers

Asaya Ka Luxa
 by Vermilion.


Through many systems of religion and spirituality, there has been many paths created from man seeking something grander outside of themselves, worshiping gods and ideologies which have humans giving away their power and will. Spirituality, as a whole, needs a psychological approach which blends both eastern and western practices into a unified practice of SELF realization. Through knowing yourself at a Soul level, and who you are energetically, you get to understand your true power which you possess.

Enlightenment is the grand goal of spirituality, it is the great plan for man to wake up to themselves at a soul level and who they truly are. This realization is not just enough, knowing yourself at such a deep level comes a sense of responsibility to become the better aspects of yourself and raise the vibration of your emotions, thoughts, and body into better and higher states. Through many practices there is no guide how to do this but rather watered down ideas and practices. If you could know yourself at the deepest levels, would you?

Asaya Ka Luxa is a treatise on a cosmological view point of the self and how to obtain connection and awareness of your Over-soul and the dualistic Angelic/Demonic levels of your own Soul Personality. Based on the authors personal life time(s) of research and spiritual practice, this practice is a blend of western and eastern philosophies and is based purely on the authors research and spiritual inner plane connection to what the author calls “The council of Light”. Written in 3 parts, it is broken down into:


Gnosis –

This goes in depth to reflect on expanded concepts of the self and your relationship to what people would call “god”. A cosmological explanation expounds on creation, the Angelic Hierarchy, the Energy Body levels, the “physical” Energy Centers, and more. This gives a large understanding of the self and how the mind creates reality in many levels and forms.

Practical application of occult meditation –

Through various breathing exercises and visualizations, the reader is shown how to utilize various techniques on how to become more aware of themselves on an energetic level and create deep releases to past attachments. Strong “psychic” protections are explained and a daily ritual is given to set the reader onto a path of self realization.

Ritual practice for soul ascension –

Using ceremonial style ritual the reader learns how to apply advanced visualizations and meditations on how to connect to the lower aspects of your self and the higher aspects of yourself, aiding one to shine light on the dark side of themselves and better understand themselves on an emotional and psychological level. This, the treatise says is how to connect to various levels of frequency and as you do this you take on traits of those levels.

Asaya Ka Luxa is the first writing of many by the author, which if utilized will aid someone on their spiritual path no matter what religion one may be a part of. A color glossary and dream dictionary is included to help aid in the work. This is not just a book, but rather a Handbook and Workbook to be utilized again and again.

Table of Contents:



Book 1 – Gnosis:

  • The Creation of the Soul
  • Over-Soul – The Higher and Lower Self
  • The Inner Light of the Trinity Invocation
  • The Angelic Hierarchy:
  • Archangels
  • Angels
  • Dominions
  • Virtues
  • Powers
  • Principalities
  • Thrones
  • Seraphim
  • Cherubim
  • The Tree of Light – Katara Angelic Body
  • The 7 Physical Energy Centres:
  • Sigil of Cherubim
  • Sigil of Seraphim
  • Sigil of Thrones
  • Sigil of Principalities
  • Sigil of Powers
  • Sigil of Virtues
  • Sigil of Dominions
  • Mind-Body Correlations

Book 2 – Practical Application of Occult Meditation:

Daily Ritual:

  • Ex. 1 – Balancing the Pineal Gland
  • Daily Protection
  • Invocation of the Inner Kryst
  • Focus and Breath:
  • Ex. 1 – Central Channel Breathing
  • Ex. 2 – 20 Breaths
  • Ex. 3 – Breathing in the Elements
  • Ex. 4 – Pore-Breathing: Light and Prana
  • Ex. 5 – Anchoring in the Green Ray
  • Ex. 6 – Alternate Breathing
  • Psychic Protection:
  • Ex. 1 – Violet Egg
  • Ex. 2 – Merkava Star
  • Ex. 3 – Arcturian Council of Light Grid
  • Energy Body Awareness:
  • Ex. 1 – Energy Ball Movement
  • Ex. 2 – Strengthening Will
  • Ex. 3 – Expanding the Aura
  • Ex. 4 – Green Cleansing
  • Ex. 5 – Charging and Creating Holy Water
  • Release Work – Transmuting the Dark:
  • Ex. 1 – Violet Balloon
  • Ex. 2 – Violet Fire of Transmutation
  • Ex. 3 – Golden Altar of Sacrifice
  • Ex. 4 – Personal and Interpersonal Communication
  • DNA and the Etheric Blueprint – The Divine Name: YHVH
  • Intoning the Tetragrammaton
  • Activating DNA Information

Book 3 – Ritual Practice for Soul Ascension:

  • The Circle of Protection
  • Invocation of the Cardinal Directions
  • Ritual Supplies
  • Draconian Frequency
  • Lyran Frequency
  • God Connection
  • Activating the Antah-Karana
  • Crown of God
  • Telepathy
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix 1 – Conscious Nutrition
  • Appendix 2 – Numerology: Tuning into Frequencies
  • Appendix 3 – Colours
  • Appendix 4 – Dream Dictionary
  • Appendix 5 – Glossary of Terms
  • Recommended Reading


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