OCULUS PRAEDECESSORIS by Forrest Aguirre – Limited Edition Hardcover
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A collection of weird stories by Forrest Aguirre
Limited edition hardcover of only 103 hand numbered copies, with illustrated endpapers, ribbon marker, full color frontispiece page, etc, All printed on recycled paper of 170 gr. 94 pages, Hardcover. Published May 1, 2022
Published by Mount Abraxes Press / Ex Occidente Press
“Through the thorny brambles we go,” he said aloud, though alone, as if she was still with him. Eight years no, and he still felt her presence, as if she had been standing beside him, watching herself collapse through the liminal calm of the water’s horizon, gazing with rapt curiosity as the flailing moil ceased and her saturated body tumbled along riverbottom, cartwheeling through the undertow, moving in two place at once, both alive and dead. “
Miskatonic Books | P.O. Box 204, Laurel MT 59044, United States